Risk Cloud API: Update Users and Permission Sets on Role
Updated on: January 31, 2025
Updating users and permission sets on a role can be a common task in the Risk Cloud, and with Risk Cloud’s Roles API, you can achieve that as well.
- Obtain your API Access Token or pull the Risk Cloud Postman Collection to get started.
- Required user role:
Update Role Endpoint Request
This endpoint has the following parameters:
Query Parameter | Required | Description |
Yes | The role ID you want to update. |
Case#1 Update Users on Role
This endpoint has the following request body properties when adding / removing users:
{ "usersToAdd": [ { "status": <string: user status ex Active>, "id": <string: user ID> } ], "usersToRemove": [ { "status": <string: user status ex Active>, "id": <string: user ID> } ], "name": <string: user name> }
Case#2 Update Permission Sets on Role
This endpoint has the following request body properties when adding / removing permission sets:
{ "permissionSetsToAdd": [ { "id": <string: permission set ID> } ], "permissionSetsToRemove": [ { "id": <string: permission set ID> } ], "name": <string: role name> }
You can combine the request body properties above if you need to add/remove users and permission sets simultaneously.
Update Role Endpoint Response
This endpoint has the following response body properties (returns a Role obj):
{ "id": <string: role id >, "active": <bool: role active status >, "created": <date: role created date time in epoch millis >, "updated": <date: role updated date time in epoch millis >, "name": <string: role name >, "locked": <bool: role locked status >, "superAdmin": <bool: role super admin status >, "defaultRoleForNewUsers": <bool: role default status >, "autoprovisioned": <bool: role autoprovisioned status >, "externalId": <String: role external ID>, "stepPermissionSets": [ <role list of step permission set: will be empty on response> ], "moduleEntitlements": [ <role list of module entitlement: will be present on response> ], "users": [ <role list of user: will be empty on response> ], "userCount": <int: role user count>, "moduleCount": <int: role module count> }