Risk Cloud API: Moving Records
Updated on: February 14, 2024
Within Risk Cloud, records are moved from one step to another by submitting them. In the Risk Cloud API, we call this endpoint "progressing a record". When a record progresses, validation is done on the record fields to determine whether it can move to the next step. Alternatively, there's another API endpoint that allows you to force move a record from one step to another without any validation. Below we outline how to configure those endpoints:
- Progressing a Record
- Force Moving a Record
In this article, we will walk through the steps necessary for moving a record to another step via the Risk Cloud API and progressing a record to the next step via the Risk Cloud API.
Obtain your API Access Token to get started, additionally, this endpoint is limited to the Admin role, so ensure that the creator of the API Key used has the Admin role entitlement. This is necessary for both methods listed in this article.
Progressing a Record
Step 1: Obtain the record-id
The record-id
can be obtained from the Risk Cloud web application, emails, or via the Risk Cloud API. If you already know your record-id
you may continue to Step 2: Obtain the step-id
Using the Risk Cloud application
The most straightforward way to find the record ID for record-id
is to open the desired record in Risk Cloud, then take the ID from the end of the URL.
Using email
The Contextual Notifications feature offers the ability to set Custom Fields and System Fields in outbound emails. As a result, Record ID is a System Field that can be included in outbound emails from the Risk Cloud. This Record ID could in turn be parsed from the email for use in the following Post Record Comment API request.
Using the Risk Cloud API
Reference the article Risk Cloud API: Record Search to obtain record IDs via the Risk Cloud API.
2. Obtain Required Data
Using the Risk Cloud API
To search for the record information, use the Records endpoint.
3. Progress Record
In this step, we will use the record-id
, applicationId
, workflowId
, and step-id
found in the previous steps to progress the record.
Path Parameter | Description |
record-id |
The unique ID of the record to move |
applicationId |
The application ID of the record to move |
workflowId |
The workflow ID of the record to move |
step-id |
The unique ID of the step to move the record to |
Sample Request Body
The request body will look something like this for this PUT
{ "active": true, "activeDate": "2024-09-11T16:20:56.913Z", "activeForRecord": "string", "assignee": { "active": true, "archived": true, "autoprovisioned": true, "company": "string", "created": "2024-09-11T16:20:56.913Z", "disabled": true, "discriminator": "string", "email": "string", "empty": true, "external": true, "fieldId": "string", "first": "string", "id": "string", "idOrTransientId": "string", "imageS3Key": "string", "imageUrl": "string", "isDefault": true, "last": "string", "lastDeactivated": "2024-09-11T16:20:56.913Z", "lastLogin": { "accessType": "string", "active": true, "created": "2024-09-11T16:20:56.913Z", "details": "string", "id": "string", "remoteAddress": "string", "updated": "2024-09-11T16:20:56.913Z" }, "locked": true, "mfaEnabled": true, "mfaSetup": true, "name": "string", "numericValue": 0, "pricingUserTier": "STANDARD", "priority": 0, "scimStatus": "string", "serviceAccount": true, "status": "string", "superUser": true, "textValue": "string", "tier": "PRIMARY", "transientIdOrId": "string", "updated": "2024-09-11T16:20:56.913Z", "valueType": "string" }, "completedDate": "2024-09-11T16:20:56.913Z", "created": "2024-09-11T16:20:56.913Z", "creator": { "active": true, "archived": true, "autoprovisioned": true, "company": "string", "created": "2024-09-11T16:20:56.913Z", "disabled": true, "discriminator": "string", "email": "string", "empty": true, "external": true, "fieldId": "string", "first": "string", "id": "string", "idOrTransientId": "string", "imageS3Key": "string", "imageUrl": "string", "isDefault": true, "last": "string", "lastDeactivated": "2024-09-11T16:20:56.913Z", "lastLogin": { "accessType": "string", "active": true, "created": "2024-09-11T16:20:56.913Z", "details": "string", "id": "string", "remoteAddress": "string", "updated": "2024-09-11T16:20:56.913Z" }, "locked": true, "mfaEnabled": true, "mfaSetup": true, "name": "string", "numericValue": 0, "pricingUserTier": "STANDARD", "priority": 0, "scimStatus": "string", "serviceAccount": true, "status": "string", "superUser": true, "textValue": "string", "tier": "PRIMARY", "transientIdOrId": "string", "updated": "2024-09-11T16:20:56.913Z", "valueType": "string" }, "daysUntilDue": { "label": "NO_DUE_DATE", "value": 0 }, "dueDate": "2024-09-11T16:20:56.913Z", "empty": true, "enteredStepDate": "2024-09-11T16:20:56.913Z", "fieldId": "string", "id": "string", "idOrTransientId": "string", "initialStateEndStep": true, "isPublic": true, "lastCompletedDate": "2024-09-11T16:20:56.913Z", "name": "string", "origin": { "active": true, "allowEntitlements": true, "assignableUserType": "APP_AND_EXTERNAL_USERS", "chain": true, "commentsEnabled": true, "created": "2024-09-11T16:20:56.913Z", "documentsEnabled": true, "end": true, "externalUserMfaRequired": true, "id": "string", "isPublic": true, "name": "string", "origin": true, "priority": 0, "sla": { "duration": 0, "enabled": true }, "stepType": "ORIGIN", "updated": "2024-09-11T16:20:56.913Z", "userGroupOperationType": "FULL_ACCESS", "workflowId": "string", "xpos": 0, "ypos": 0 }, "recordType": "RECORD", "sequenceId": 0, "status": "INACTIVE", "step": { "active": true, "allowEntitlements": true, "assignableUserType": "APP_AND_EXTERNAL_USERS", "chain": true, "commentsEnabled": true, "created": "2024-09-11T16:20:56.913Z", "documentsEnabled": true, "end": true, "externalUserMfaRequired": true, "id": "string", "isPublic": true, "name": "string", "origin": true, "priority": 0, "sla": { "duration": 0, "enabled": true }, "stepType": "ORIGIN", "updated": "2024-09-11T16:20:56.913Z", "userGroupOperationType": "FULL_ACCESS", "workflowId": "string", "xpos": 0, "ypos": 0 }, "stepDueDate": "2024-09-11T16:20:56.913Z", "superUser": true, "transientIdOrId": "string", "updated": "2024-09-11T16:20:56.913Z", "user": { "active": true, "archived": true, "autoprovisioned": true, "company": "string", "created": "2024-09-11T16:20:56.913Z", "disabled": true, "discriminator": "string", "email": "string", "empty": true, "external": true, "fieldId": "string", "first": "string", "id": "string", "idOrTransientId": "string", "imageS3Key": "string", "imageUrl": "string", "isDefault": true, "last": "string", "lastDeactivated": "2024-09-11T16:20:56.913Z", "lastLogin": { "accessType": "string", "active": true, "created": "2024-09-11T16:20:56.913Z", "details": "string", "id": "string", "remoteAddress": "string", "updated": "2024-09-11T16:20:56.913Z" }, "locked": true, "mfaEnabled": true, "mfaSetup": true, "name": "string", "numericValue": 0, "pricingUserTier": "STANDARD", "priority": 0, "scimStatus": "string", "serviceAccount": true, "status": "string", "superUser": true, "textValue": "string", "tier": "PRIMARY", "transientIdOrId": "string", "updated": "2024-09-11T16:20:56.913Z", "valueType": "string" }, "userDate": "2024-09-11T16:20:56.913Z", "viewableTitle": "string", "workflow": { "active": true, "allowAec": true, "allowGroups": true, "created": "2024-09-11T16:20:56.913Z", "id": "string", "name": "string", "primaryField": { "active": true, "created": "2024-09-11T16:20:56.913Z", "field": { "active": true, "analysisEstimate": "CONFIDENCE", "analysisOutputField": true, "analysisType": "CONTACT_FREQUENCY", "created": "2024-09-11T16:20:56.913Z", "crossWorkflowCalculation": true, "currentValues": [ { "active": true, "archived": true, "created": "2024-09-11T16:20:56.913Z", "discriminator": "string", "empty": true, "field": "string", "fieldId": "string", "id": "string", "idOrTransientId": "string", "isDefault": true, "numericValue": 0, "priority": 0, "textValue": "string", "transientIdOrId": "string", "updated": "2024-09-11T16:20:56.913Z", "valueType": "string" } ], "defaultValues": [ { "active": true, "archived": true, "created": "2024-09-11T16:20:56.913Z", "discriminator": "string", "empty": true, "field": "string", "fieldId": "string", "id": "string", "idOrTransientId": "string", "isDefault": true, "numericValue": 0, "priority": 0, "textValue": "string", "transientIdOrId": "string", "updated": "2024-09-11T16:20:56.913Z", "valueType": "string" } ], "enableVersions": true, "fieldType": "TEXT", "global": true, "helpText": "string", "id": "string", "label": "string", "labels": [ "string" ], "name": "string", "tooltip": "string", "updated": "2024-09-11T16:20:56.913Z" }, "id": "string", "name": "string", "systemField": "NAME", "updated": "2024-09-11T16:20:56.913Z" }, "priority": 0, "recordPrefix": "string", "requireGroups": true, "sequence": { "active": true, "created": "2024-09-11T16:20:56.913Z", "format": "string", "id": "string", "incrementBy": 0, "updated": "2024-09-11T16:20:56.913Z", "value": 0 }, "sla": { "duration": 0, "enabled": true }, "updated": "2024-09-11T16:20:56.913Z", "workflowType": "WORKFLOW", "xpos": 0, "ypos": 0 }, "workflowDueDate": "2024-09-11T16:20:56.913Z" }
A 200 response with JSON confirming the the structure and status of the moved record.
{ "active": true, "created": "2024-09-11T16:20:56.965Z", "fields": [ { "currentValues": [ { "active": true, "archived": true, "created": "2024-09-11T16:20:56.965Z", "discriminator": "string", "id": "string", "numericValue": 0, "temporalValue": "2024-09-11T16:20:56.965Z", "textValue": "string", "updated": "2024-09-11T16:20:56.965Z", "valueType": "string" } ], "fieldType": "string", "id": "string", "label": "string", "name": "string", "operators": [ "EQUALS" ], "readOnly": true, "required": true } ], "id": "string", "name": "string", "primaryFieldValue": "string", "public": true, "recordDueDate": "2024-09-11T16:20:56.965Z", "status": "INACTIVE", "updated": "2024-09-11T16:20:56.965Z", "workflowDueDate": "2024-09-11T16:20:56.965Z" }
Force Moving a Record
Step 1: Obtain the record-id
The record-id
can be obtained from the Risk Cloud web application, emails, or via the Risk Cloud API. If you already know your record-id
you may continue to Step 2: Obtain the step-id
Using the Risk Cloud application
The most straightforward way to find the record ID for record-id
is to open the desired record in the Risk Cloud web application, then take the ID from the end of the URL.
Using email
The Contextual Notifications feature offers the ability to set Custom Fields and System Fields in outbound emails. As a result, Record ID is a System Field that can be included in outbound emails from the Risk Cloud. This Record ID could in turn be parsed from the email for use in the following Post Record Comment API request.
Using the Risk Cloud API
Reference the article Risk Cloud API: Record Search to obtain record IDs via the Risk Cloud API.
2. Obtain the step-id
Using the Risk Cloud application
Open the desired step from the builder page located at Build > Applications > (Select a Step) in Risk Cloud, then take the ID from the end of the URL. Ensure that this is a valid step on the same workflow that the record represents.
Using the Risk Cloud API
The Steps API, provides a paginated means of iterating through all resources entitled to the API user.
To search for an application, use the Retrieve Steps endpoint.
3. Moving Records
In this step, we will use the record-id
and step-id
found in the previous steps to move the record.
Path Parameter | Description |
record-id |
The unique ID of the record to move |
step-id |
The unique ID of the step to move the record to |
Sample Request Body
The request body can be empty for this PUT
A 200 response with JSON confirming the the structure and status of the moved record.
{ "id": "a1b2c3d4", "active": true, "created": 1706651975544, "updated": null, "sequenceId": 1, "status": "COMPLETE", "name": "A-1", "viewableTitle": "A-1", "initialStateEndStep": false, "workflowDueDate": null, "recordType": "RECORD", "isPublic": false }