
Automating Your Third-Party Risk Management Program

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Register to learn the ins and outs of successfully implementing an automated third-party risk management program.

Many corporations haven’t adopted automation in their third-party risk management programs. The lack of automation can be traced to a few core reasons. Disparate systems, out-of-date data, and inconsistent policies can all stifle a company’s ability to modernize its third-party risk management program—and companies often suffer from more than one of these. When applied effectively, automation can not only help prevent these roadblocks, it can also drive the efficiencies procurement and compliance leaders are looking for. Join this CPE-accredited panel webinar as our expert panel address some key steps to automating third-party risk management, including how to:

  • Manage an up-to-date vendor master to create one source of truth across the entire corporation
  • Leverage automation and machine learning to standardize data governance
  • Drive efficiencies and reduces costs, while ensuring the highest accuracy in your third-party risk management program



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