Man following incidence response plan on computer.

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Social posts, ads, emails—there are many ways companies try to communicate the value of their products with you before you are a customer. But there is often a lot behind the scenes that may not get as much visibility once you become a customer and a fully onboarded user of the product. 

The product team at LogicGate hosts a quarterly, customer-only product webinar to discuss our newest features, what’s next on the product roadmap, and recently released product updates. After this quarter’s product webinar, we sat down with our product team to ask them a few questions and learn more about what’s new in LogicGate’s Risk Cloud platform.


Q: What do you find helpful about the quarterly product webinars?

A: It’s an excellent opportunity to address customer questions and provide updates on newly released features and enhancements. Many of the updates we make to Risk Cloud are based directly on customer feedback, so it’s a way to come together and show how much we value user input. 

One of the ways we do this is through our “quality of life improvements,” or new features and product updates that we make to improve the day-to-day experience of our end users. For example, during our recent webinar, we told customers about updates to the headers and help text in Risk Cloud to meet accessibility standards. We value our community of users and want to make sure the product meets and exceeds their expectations, enhancing their quality of life!


Q: One of the topics covered during the webinar was about our newest Application. Can you tell us a little bit more about Risk Cloud’s new Vulnerability Management Application and what it does for users? 

A: The Vulnerability Management Application in Risk Cloud enables organizations to ingest vulnerability data, including background details, severity measures, and a list of impacted assets. Using the Vulnerability Management Application, an organization can analyze each vulnerability to determine treatment requirements per the vulnerability’s potential impact on the organization. 

We have also built an integration with Tenable, which plugs directly into our Vulnerability Management Application to help empower teams to manage their vulnerabilities proactively, or users can use their preferred vulnerability source.


Q: We hear a lot about how automating processes can be helpful, but what is an example of how someone could leverage automation in Risk Cloud?

A: Automation increases the platform's ease of use by replacing manual processes with reliable automation which makes it easier for users to spend their time more efficiently. The Vulnerability Management Application has Assets, Vulnerabilities, and Treatment Plan workflows. It can be hard to keep track of all the jobs or tasks enabled across these workflows.

With automation, we’ve enabled users to access the data needed to ensure that notifications go to the correct people and the necessary operations are triggered appropriately. 


Q: What’s a new capability that you’re excited for customers to start using?

A: One of the things customers appreciate about our platform is the ease of use and our dashboard and reporting capabilities. When someone has, for example, multiple values they want to see tied to their vulnerability management program, they can access a bar chart to show the state of vulnerabilities at a specific moment in time.

In addition to that bar chart, users can add a table report to see a more comprehensive list of their treatment plans and the vulnerabilities and assets associated with those. Adding table reports to dashboards allows users more flexibility on the information they can include in a dashboard and the type of representation they want. This functionality helps users mold Risk Cloud to their own needs and overall business needs.


Q: We have heard from customers that having a GRC community would be beneficial. What is LogicGate doing to help foster that kind of environment?

A: We recently launched our Risk Crowd community where customers can join, network with their peers, and gain incredible opportunities to discuss GRC best practices. Next month we’re hosting our second annual user conference, Agility 2021, to explore what’s new, what’s next, and what’s top of mind for GRC professionals. These experiences provide our customers with a space to feel heard, contribute their expertise, and allow us to continue to provide a platform that helps our users do their best work.


Q: What are you looking forward to or excited about that’s on the product roadmap?

A: At the moment, we’re working on several updates to the Risk Cloud Exchange experience. Risk Cloud Exchange launched earlier this year to give our customers a way to independently explore all of the Applications, standards and regulations, catalogs, and integrations that Risk Cloud has to offer. The future of Risk Cloud Exchange will empower our customers to make the best decisions for their Risk Cloud by providing trial Applications and exclusive content. 

See how LogicGate’s complete and holistic GRC platform, Risk Cloud, can help improve your GRC processes by requesting a demo or visiting us at

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