Our Employees Have Spoken: They Love Working at LogicGate


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We have said before that we like wins, especially customer wins because when you win, we win. But we have to admit we do like to celebrate when we earn praise, especially when it reflects on our awesome team.

On that note, we are extremely pleased to announce that LogicGate has been awarded a Top Workplaces 2021 honor by The Chicago Tribune two years in a row! If the words back-to-back win and Chicago conjure images of Michael Jordan, the Chicago Bulls of the '90s, and champagne in the locker room, so be it.

Winners are chosen based solely on employee feedback gathered via an anonymous employee engagement survey by Energage that measures 15 critical culture drivers for success such as alignment, execution, and connection, to name a few.

We’ve Seen the News

Finding talent has been extremely difficult and will continue to be so going forward. Since the pandemic has brought about the possibility of working from anywhere, that flexibility just makes an already competitive job market that much more competitive.

It takes approximately three months to hire someone, then another three to six to ramp them up. That's a nine-month investment before employees can fully add value and possibly tens of thousands of dollars lost if they leave.

For this reason, talent acquisition and retention are seen as top risks for 2022. Making positive employee engagement key to retention and success.

Energage's CEO Eric Rubino says it best when he states, "When you give your employees a voice, you come together to navigate challenges and shape your path forward."

That is why this award is also so special to us and why LogicGate CEO and coach Matt Kunkel says it's "validating to receive recognition for the company culture we work so hard to cultivate at LogicGate. Our employees are best in class, and our commitment to core values has helped us build a strong culture. Everyone here is outcomes-driven when it comes to driving company and product growth."

So just like the Bulls of the Nineties, we will pop some bubbly on this one because it's a big team win, but don't worry, we won't be relaxing in the off-season. We will continue to concentrate on building solutions so our customers can transform business risks into strategic opportunities.

In fact, our Phil Jackson, Matt Kunkel, has said that "By supporting and encouraging employees who are aligned on building a successful business, we'll continue to deliver outstanding value to our customers and ensure LogicGate's long-term competitiveness."

That's what we plan to do.

See the full list of The Chicago Tribune’s Top Workplaces 2021 winners here

Further Reading

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