About Venminder and Risk Cloud®

Venminder enables users to efficiently manage vendor relationships and oversee crucial processes such as risk assessments, due diligence, and ongoing monitoring. When used in tandem with Risk Cloud’s Third-Party Risk Management Application, you can automatically push and pull vendor information between Risk Cloud workflows and Venminder to further streamline your third-party risk management program.


Why Integrate With Venminder


Automatically update and centralize vendor information

Add vendor record data from Risk Cloud to new or existing vendors in Venminder. Additionally, new documents added in Venminder will be pulled and added to the corresponding vendor record in Risk Cloud.


Streamline third-party assessments

Create and send Risk Cloud vendor assessments through Venminder, then automatically pull Risk Scores and Confidence Levels from assessments back into Risk Cloud.

Integration Capabilities

Expected Time to Implement

The Venminder Risk Cloud Connector requires 20 Integration Services hours per Application. Please contact your LogicGate Account Team to discuss custom integration capabilities not listed above.

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