Policy Management
Streamline policy management and quickly identify compliance gaps with automated writing, review, approval, and acknowledgment workflows.
Microsoft SharePoint is a cloud-based collaborative platform that enables users to securely store, organize, share, and access files and information. The SharePoint Risk Cloud Integration streamlines collaboration and centralizes document storage by automatically uploading Risk Cloud files to SharePoint.
Save time and resources by automatically uploading important documents like policies and procedures from Risk Cloud to SharePoint.
Track document version numbers in Risk Cloud, then make it easy for stakeholders to access up-to-date policy, procedures, and other important documents directly inside SharePoint at any time.
The SharePoint Risk Cloud Connector requires 10 Integration Services hours. Please contact your LogicGate Account Team to scope any custom requirements not listed above.
Streamline policy management and quickly identify compliance gaps with automated writing, review, approval, and acknowledgment workflows.
Identify, quantify, and prioritize cyber risks by linking vulnerabilities and threats to expected business impact.
Quickly assess and take action on your organization’s biggest risks with a connected view of risks and controls.