Regulatory Compliance
Stay up to date and compliant with relevant policies, laws, or regulations so that you can protect your…
Risk Cloud® is a no-code risk and compliance platform that scales and adapts to your changing business needs and regulatory requirements. Connect the scope of each exam to internal documents, findings, and remediation activities to ensure exam readiness and reduce regulatory risk.
The diversity and ever-changing scope of regulatory audits requires a centralized and agile approach to exam management.
Risk Cloud’s Regulatory Exam Management Application helps organizations meet regulatory obligations and effectively prepare for upcoming exams with connected data repositories, automated and configurable workflows, and real-time program insights.
Create a program that scales with and across diverse exam processes, teams, and regulatory authorities to efficiently and effectively comply with regulatory requirements. Risk Cloud’s Regulatory Exam Management Application enables teams to:
Keep pace with evolving regulatory requirements while minimizing redundant work with a single source of truth for detailing exam scope, requesting and storing documents, and remediating findings. Easily link relevant documents from the tools your team uses every day, like Google Drive, Microsoft 365, and Risk Cloud’s Policy and Procedure Management Application.
Quickly gauge exam readiness with real-time reports of in-progress exams and document requests. Accelerate progress and keep teams on track with automatic assignments, notifications, and deadline reminders. Improve external collaboration and ensure regulators have access to the most up-to-date information by sharing evidence via secure public forms.
Accelerate remediation of Matters Requiring Attention (MRA) and Matters Requiring Immediate Attention (MRIA) by connecting task owners with the information they need at the right time with pre-built workflows and role-based dashboards. Easily track open tasks by due date, average time to remediation, percent of closed findings, and more in real time.
Stay up to date and compliant with relevant policies, laws, or regulations so that you can protect your…
A centralized document repository that facilitates collaboration and improves the quality of content across the enterprise.
Risk Cloud’s Controls Application assists organizations in assessing, evaluating, and remediating controls in-scope for the organization, all within…